First Mutual Learning Internal Training


From 11th to 13th March the Zoom Out project partners met in person for the first Mutual-Learning Internal Training+Transnational Project Meeting in Vic. 

The meeting took place in the project coordinator’s headquarters, the Center for Interdisciplinary Gender Studies (CEIG) at the University of Vic-Universitat Central de Catalunya, in the city of Vic.

After a welcome from the coordinator and an icebreaking activity that allowed us to introduce ourselves and get to know each other, we followed and actively participated in the workshop led by Laboratorium Zmiany: “Are You Aware of Your Biases? tools for self-reflection for teachers/educators”.

Then there was the presentation and subsequent discussion on the ZO Management & Work Plan and the review of the Communication Plan. At this first meeting there was also time dedicated to Economic & administrative questions. After the project tasks we went to the Escola La Sínia di Vic for a guided tour of the school and an interesting roundtable. The day ended with a guided tour of Vic city center, which gave us an insight into the history and main monuments of the city.

The second day of the meeting opened with the welcome by Eva Espasa, Vicerector of Research and Knowledge Transfer at Universitat de Vic-Universitat Central de Catalunya.

We had the opportunity to attend several workshops throughout the day. One held by the University of Vic-Central University of Catalonia was focused on intersectionality, while the second, entitled Reading with a critical eye, was held by the Association Petit Philosophy.

And in the afternoon the workshops “It’s all our body!” by SCOSSE and “Alternative Augmentative Communication” by Il Pungiglione association.

We also had the opportunity to attend and participate in two roundtables: one online, with Nicole Haring (University of Graz), Marius Crisan, Aba-Carina Parlog (West University of Timișoara) and Eulália Silva (Edifacoop school), and on in-persone with Caroline Close (Free University of Brussels), Anna Huminiak (freelance training) and Arianna Squilloni (A Buen Paso publisher, presented by Caterina Riba (UVic-UCC)

On the last day of the meeting workshop proposals, Promising practices criteria and Toolbox design were discussed. Afterwards we updated on Internal communication, identified next meeting dates before a presentation on Communication strategy.

Finally, Evaluation forms & following steps before an interesting and rich visit of the Pilarín Bayés library, a tribute to the local homonymous Catalan illustrator and the place where we’ve had our coffee breaks.