Transnational Partner Meeting in Rome

The Transnational Partners Meeting (TPM) took place in Rome on 10 and 11 June 2024. 

The two-day meeting opened with a welcome from the SCOSSE association, which organized the TPM, and the activists of Lucha y Siesta, the space that hosted us and which is home to several transfeminist associations, including SCOSSE.

Lucha y Siesta is a shelter house for women facing pathways out of violence. It is the shelter house with the most places available in Rome for women and their sons and daughters.

After an icebreaker by the association Il pungiglione, the representatives of the University of Vic, the project coordinator, gave an overview of the project. 

Then, going into detail, the toolbox, animations, and promising practices and communication updates were presented. 

The toolbox will be the digital tool that will provide innovative hands-on resources, tools and recommendations tailored to unique contexts for improving intercultural skills within and among partner countries.

Uvic presented the animations that will be part of the project. 

Before the group dinner, a guide accompanied us in the Roman district of Quadraro, a historical site of the Italian resistance against Nazi-fascism.

On the second day of the meeting, we had the opportunity to attend the workshop, organized by SCOSSE, on de-colonialism in children’s literature.

Then it was time to exchange views and updates on the project, starting with the economic analysis and evaluation, presentation and discussion of the planification of the teachers’ and students’ workshops for next year, presentation of the first ideas on awareness raising campaign, pre-service teachers’ workshops, and finally there was the general discussion on the state of the project and the planning of next steps.