The third Transnational Partner Meeting of Zoom Out, organised by Laboratium Zmiany, was held in Poland on 21 and 22 October 2024.
On this first day, the meeting was held in Opole, hosted by Centrum Dialogu Obywatelsiego.
We started with the project overview, and then proceeded with the book activity: each partner brought two books that deals with inequalities and we discussed what we liked and what we did not like about each book. It was very interesting and funny to share opinions and different points of view.
Then the Croatian Association Petit Philosophy presented the design for the Toolbox, a collection of tools developed by core partners and the resources which will be tested with students in the following workshops.
We finally discussed the content and strategies, conducted by the association SCOSSE, of the proposals about the awareness raising campaign that will start in the following months.
The second day we visited the Katolicka Niepubliczna Szkoła Podstawowa ( KNSP), a primary school in Biadacz which is a partner of Zoom Out. It is located in Opolskie region, in the south west of Poland. It is a private school with 45 students, from 7 to 14 years old.
Their work is inspired by the Montessori method and the critical thinking approach.
We visited the school, saw the classrooms and the big garden outside. Afterwards we started working and discussing the toolbox and the handbook.
During the two-day transnational partner meeting in Poland, we talked about the key themes of the project, the link between intersectionality and children’s literature.